Program Eligibility
Programs must be aligned with one or more of the Summer Grant Program funding priorities. Applicants will be asked in their application to select the priorities their program most closely aligns with and will be asked to report on how their program achieved each priority statement selected in their Final Report.
Summer Grant Program grants are intended to support standalone programs that are only for participants under 18 years of age.
Programs must be held between the months of June 1 and August 31. Please note that the CIF is not responsible for any costs incurred by applicants for programs that begin prior to notification of the CIF Board’s funding decision.
Types of programs typically supported include summer camps and day programs offering recreation, culture, mentoring and mental health supports, literacy and learning opportunities for children and youth. Summer grants are not intended to support school curriculum/excursions; summer fairs or events; adult or all-age programs; or the summer portion of year-round programming.
Organizations may be approved for a maximum of one (1) summer grant per year. Applicants may only submit one application per deadline and multiple applications will not be considered.
If an organization has received a CIF Community Grant Program grant that includes program delivery over the summer, they are not eligible to apply to the CIF Summer Grant Program for that program.
Proposed expenses must be eligible in accordance with the guidelines.
For a full description of eligible/ineligible programs and expenses, please review the guidelines.
To be eligible to apply to CIF, an applicant must be:
- An incorporated Saskatchewan nonprofit organization in good standing with Information Services Corporation (ISC), whose primary purpose and activities are to benefit Saskatchewan communities; or
- A municipality or First Nation, health region, school or school board proposing community-based, community-led programs; and
- In good standing with the CIF (e.g. there are no outstanding reports or repayments).
*Community-based/ community-led programs are programs that involve community members or organizations in the planning and delivery of the program, and that are not offered as a core service of the institution.